Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing
Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing in Japan
Overview of Nursing in Japan
In Japan, nurses, public health nurses, midwives and assistant nurses are qualified to provide nursing services. Among them, registered nurses, public health nurses, and registered midwives are qualified at the national level, while assistant nurses are qualified to provide services at the prefectural level.
There are several ways to acquire qualification as a nurse, and nursing students are required to take the national examination after completing the law-specified curriculum at universities, colleges or vocational schools. Once they obtain the license for nursing, nurses can choose from among a variety of places to practice, such as medical institutions, long-term care facilities, home care services, and community-based care services. By further deepening their professional knowledge and skills at training organizations and getting certified by the Japan Nursing Association, nurses can have the opportunities to serve as Certified Nurse Specialists, Certified Nurses, and Certified Nurse Administrators.
