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Ross,Sabrina Dorothea Mental representations of daily activities throughout the course of dementia link 認知症の経過を通しての日常生活の心的イメージの推移
Yasuno,Fumihiko The evaluation of the amyloid cascade model with in-vivo PET imaging link 生体内PETイメージングによるアミロイドカスケードモデルの検証
Lolekha,Praween The Six-Item Clock-Drawing Scoring System: A Rapid Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease link パーキンソン病の認知機能障害を簡便に評価する6項目時計描画
Zhang,tao Evaluation of the reliability and validity of Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being-Expanded in the elderly patients with chronic orthopedic diseases link 慢性運動器疾患患者の機能評価法の有用性と妥当性の検証k
Nicolini,Paola Different dimensions of social support differentially predict psychological well-being in late life: opposite effects of perceived emotional support and marital status on symptoms of anxiety and of depression in older outpatients in Italy link 高齢者のウェルビーイングへの社会支援:情緒的支援と婚姻状態は高齢イタリア人の不安抑うつ症状に異なる影響を及ぼす
Terada,Seishi Facial expression recognition in mild cognitive impairment and dementia: is the happiness preservation hypothesis true? link 軽度認知障害と認知症における表情認知 - 「陽性感情の認知は保持される」という仮説は正しいのか?
Omoya,Rie Heart rate response to orthostatic challenge in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease link レビー小体型認知症とアルツハイマー型認知症患者における起立時心拍数変化
Tanaka,Shigeya Effects of a group-based physical and cognitive intervention on social activity and quality of life for elderly people with dementia in a geriatric health service facility: A quasi-randomized controlled trial link 集団での身体・認知介入が介護老人保健施設入所認知症者の社会的側面及びQOLに与える影響ー準ランダム化比較試験ー
lu,yang Associations between malnutrition and cognitive impairment in an elderly Chinese population: an analysis based on a 7-year database link 栄養不良と認知機能との相関:中国人高齢者についての7年間縦断研究
Yang,Xiaoshi Positive Effects of Resilience and Self-efficacy on WHO Quality of Life among Caregivers of Stroke Inpatients in China link 中国の脳卒中患者の介護者のQOLに関するレジリエンスと自己能動感
Yat Fung,Shea Prevalence of mild behavioral impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis link 軽度行動障害の有病率についての系統的レビューとメタアナリシス
Cigiloglu,Ahmet How do Older Adults React to Coronavirus Disease 2019? link 高齢者はコロナ禍にどのように反応したか
Renzi,Alessia The use of drawings as way to express and represent one's emotional experience during COVID-19 Pandemic: a case report of a woman living in a Nursing Home link COVID-19パンデミックでの感情体験を表現する描画療法
Tokumitsu,Keita Heidenhain variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease resembles Dementia with Lewy bodies link レビー小体型認知症との鑑別が困難であったHeidenhain型クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病の1例
Fujishiro,Hiroshige A patient with subjective cognitive decline and recurrent dream-enactment behaviours in a memory clinic: potential diagnostic utility of cardiac 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy link 主観的認知機能低下と睡眠時異常行動を繰り返す1症例:MIBG心筋シンチグラフィーの診断意義について
Shimizu,Soichiro Association between CSF Orexin A level and severity of REM sleep behavior disorder in dementia with Lewy bodies link レビー小体型認知症患者におけるRBD重症度と髄液オレキシン濃度の関連
Luchesi,Bruna Moretti Social isolation and associated factors in middle- and older- aged person living in Brazil link ブラジル人中高齢者における社会的隔離と関連因子
Fujisawa,Daisuke Group cognitive behavioral therapy for family caregivers of people with dementia: A single-arm pilot study. link 認知症家族介護者に対する集団認知行動療法:シングルアームパイロット研究
Yuan,Gang Alprazolam and clarithromycin interaction induced lethargy and short term memory loss in an elderly patient: a case report link アリピプラゾールとクラリスロマイシン併用による倦怠感と短期記憶障害の症例報告
Kawada,Tomoyuki Postoperative cognitive decline in older patients link 高齢者における手術後の認知力低下
Edahiro,Ayako Oral health as an opportunity to support isolated people with dementia: useful information during Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic link 社会的孤立状態にある認知症の人を支援する機会としての口腔保健:COVID-19パンデミック中の有益な情報
Fujishiro,Hiroshige Gender differences in early presentation may represent pathological subtypes in dementia with Lewy bodies link レビー小多型認知症における初期症状の性差と病理亜型
Utsumi,Kumiko Gender Differences in Initial Symptoms and Symptoms at Diagnosis in Dementia with Lewy Bodies link DLBの初発症状および診断時における症状の性差
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Zhang,Yunling Apathy symptoms increase the risk of dementia conversion: A case-matching cohort study on patients with post-stroke mild cognitive impairment in China. link アパシー症状は認知症の発症リスクを上昇する:中国の梗塞後軽度認知障害のコホート研究から
Cheng,Baoli Postoperative infectious complications in elderly patients following elective surgery in China: results of a seven-day cohort study from the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) link 中國における高齢者の術後感染症合併症:ISOSわ用いた7日間のコホート研究
YILDIRIM,Hilal Psychometric evaluation of the hospitalization-related stressors questionnaire for elderly patients link ランダム化試験
Dominiak,Monika Right unilateral versus bilateral formula-based electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of major depression in elderly patients: A randomized, open label, pilot controlled trial link 高齢うつ病患者に対する右側片側と両側ECTの効果:オーブラベル・ランダム化試験
Pereira,M. Graça Validation of the Short-Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in Older Patients with Myeloma link 高齢ミエローマ患者に対する満たされない必要性調査の短縮版の妥当性の検討
Yamauchi,Takahira A retrospective study of factors associated with persistent delirium link せん妄遷延化に関連する因子についての検討
Noronha,Judith Angelitta Depression among the older adults: A systematic review of South Asian Countries link 高齢者のうつ病:南アジア諸国の系統的レビュー
DU,Bharath Psychometric properties of outcome measures in non-pharmacological interventions of persons with dementia in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. link 低中収入国における認知症に対する非薬物的介入を評価するための心理評価の特性について
Nakamura,Mio A Case of Effective Usage of a Weighted Blanket for a Person with Severe Dementia link 認知高齢者のウェイテッドブランケット導入における事例検証
ter Schuur,Borama Jennifer Examining EEG abnormalities in older adults with a mood disorder presenting at a memory clinic link メモリークリニックにおける高齢者の気分障害患者に見られる脳波異常の検討
Yoshino,Hiroshi Eight months observation of check-up system “Kobe dementia model” of dementia in Kobe City link 神戸認知症モデル開始後8か月の実態について
Maoz,OR Eldar The utility of a new method of movement therapy (Beatube) on responsiveness, movement, and emotional state in a psychogeriatric population- an exploratory study link 高齢者における運動、情動、反応性に対する新運動療法(Beatube)の有用性:iついて:探索的研究
Silva-dos-Santos,Amilcar Bottom-up neuroanatomical pattern of symptom remission in melancholic depression after electroconvulsive therapy: a case report and literature review link メランコリックうつ病に対するECT療法後の症状改善におけるボトムアップの神経解剖学的パターン:症例報告と系統的レビュー
Ikenouchi-Sugita,Atsuko A male case of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with behavioural and psychiatric symptoms responding to a low dose of escitalopram link 前頭側頭葉変性症の行動・心理症状に少量のエスシタロプラムが効果的であった男性患者の1例
Piacenza,Francesco Impact of social distancing due to Covid-19 in Old Age Psychiatry link 老年精神医学におけるCOVIS-19によるソーシャルディスタンスの影響
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David Facal Apathy and agitation in institutionalized older adults, an empirically derived classification link 施設入所高齢者のアパシーと焦燥感についての経験的な分類について
Ayse Berivan BAKAN An Investigation of the Relationship between Religious Coping and Life Satisfaction in Oncology Patients aged 65 and over link 65歳以上高齢がん患者の宗教観と人生満足度との関係について
Hiroshige Fujishiro Early diagnosis of prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies using clinical history of probable REM sleep behavior disorder and cardiac 123I-MIBG scintigraphy in memory clinics link 物忘れ外来におけるレム睡眠行動障害の病歴とMIBG心筋シンチグラフィーを用いたレビー小体型認知症前駆状態の早期診断について
Hamid Allahverdipour Gender difference about death anxiety among older adults: structural equation model link 高齢者における死に対する不安感の性差について
Woorim Kim Is fear of falling and the associated restrictions in daily activity related to depressive symptoms in older adults? link 転倒の恐怖と日常生活の制限は高齢者のうつ症状と関係しているのか?
Yoshihisa Hirakawa Job satisfaction among physicians providing health care to the elderly in Japan: A qualitative study link 高齢者ケアを担う日本の医師の職務満足に関する質的研究 
Ying Li The role of social support in the association between dependency and the important risk factors among elderly link 高齢者の自立支援とリスク要因に関する社会的支援の役割
Toshiya Inada Significant decrease in delirium referrals after changing hypnotic from benzodiazepine to suvorexant link ベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤からスボレキサントへの不眠時第一選択薬切り替え後にみられたせん妄依頼件数の有意な減少
Ilknur Goksin The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the adaptation of elderly women to depression and old age: A randomized clinical trial link 女性高齢者の加齢によるうつ状態に対する漸進的筋肉弛緩運動療法の効果:ランダム化臨床試験
Xiangyang Zhu Increased insulin resistance is associated with vascular cognitive impairment in Chinese patients with cerebral small vessel disease link 中国人の脳小血管障害患者においてインシュリン抵抗性は血管性認知機能障害と関連している
Sung-Man Bae Autoregressive cross-lagged modeling of the relationship between social activity, depressive symptoms, and cognitive function in Korean elderly link 韓国人高齢者における社会活動と抑うつ症状・認知機能の間の自己回帰交差的な関係について
Hiroyuki Tanaka Development of an Assessment Scale for Engagement in Activities for Patients with Moderate to Severe Dementia link 中等度, 重度認知症患者のための活動に対する取り組み方評価尺度の開発
Masami Kashimura Psychometric properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (Japanese version) for Japanese community-dwelling older adults link 日本語版Geriatric Anxiety Inventoryの作成、および信頼性と妥当性の検討-地域在住の高齢者を対象とした調査研究からー
Makiko Takao Effect of Financial Incentives for Participation in Dementia Prevention and Support Activities: Results of a Web Survey with Persons Aged 60 and Older link 認知症予防・支援活動への参加に対する金銭的インセンティブの効果ー60歳以上を対象としたWeb調査の結果から
Yat-fung Shea A systematic review of atypical Alzheimer's disease including behavioral and psychological symptoms link BPSDを含む非定型アルツハイマー病についての体系的レビュー
Aleksandra Klimkowicz-Mrowiec Current view on post-stroke dementia link 卒中後認知症についての現代的見解
Yoshihisa Hirakawa Discrimination in health care services among elderly: A systematic review link ービスにおける高齢者差別に関するシステマティックレビュー
Kenichi Meguro Music intonation therapy is effective for speech output in a patient with non-fluent aphasia in a chronic stage link 慢性期の非流暢性失語症の発話改善に音楽療法は有効である
Josef Finsterer Superficial siderosis due to multiple cavernomas: an uncommon cause of early-onset dementia link 若年性認知症の原因と考えられる多発性海綿状血管腫による表在性鉄沈着症例:
Hiroshi Yoshino Influences of COVID-19 in a dementia outpatient clinic: experience from the Fujita-Health University Hospital in Aichi, Japan link COVID-19感染拡大と認知症外来の患者受診状況
Kitikan Thana-udom Length of Stay and Its Predictors in Psychogeriatric Inpatients: A Retrospective Study in Bangkok, Thailand link 高齢精神障害患者の入院期間とその予測因子について:バンコク市の後方視研究
Yasuhiro Nagahama Prevalence of the core clinical features and the other neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies link レビー小体型認知症における中核的臨床特徴とその他の神経精神症状の有症率
Ryo Iwata Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 presenting hallucination link 脊髄小脳失調症6型に罹患し10年後に幻覚を呈した一例
Kenichi Meguro Reversion to the original concept for clinical practice for patients with dementia: Toward an appropriate intervention for a favorable prognosis link 認知症診療の原点回帰:予後を考慮した適切な介入にむけて
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Mein-Woei Suen Gender Differences in Geriatric Syndromes as Mental Illness and Nervous System Diseases in Hospitalized Thai Older Patients link タイの入院高齢者の精神神経疾患に見られる高齢症状の性差について
Sayuri Suwa Practitioners' Identification of Informal Caregivers' Difficulties with Activities of Daily Living Interventions for Older People with Dementia in Japan link 日本のインフォーマル介護者にとって困難な認知症高齢者の日常生活行為の支援に関する専門職者の認識
Pierre KOSKAS Factors influencing length of hospital stay in an Acute Psychogeriatric Unit link 老年精神科急性期病棟における在院日数に影響する要因について
Zhijun Bao Social Frailty and Longitudinal Risk of Depressive Symptoms in a Chinese Population: the Rugao Longevity and Aging Study link 中国人高齢者における社会的フレイルと縦断的うつ症状リスクの関係について
Andrew M. Kiselica Empirically Defining the Preclinical Stages of the Alzheimer's Continuum in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative link ADNI(Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative)研究において経験的に規定されたアルツハイマー病前駆状態の連続性について
Akira Monji No association of both serum proBDNF and BDNF concentrations with depressive state in community-dwelling elderly people link 血清proBDNF濃度およびBDNF濃度は抑うつ症状と関連しなかった-地域在住高齢者を対象とした黒川町研究-
Pietro Cappelletto Behavioural disorders in Alzheimer's disease: the descriptive and predictive role of brain 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography link アルツハイマー病の行動異常:18F-FDG PETによる説明と予測
junping Bian Influence of Psychological Nursing and Health Education on Depression, Anxiety and Life Quality of Elderly Patients with Lung Cancer link 肺がん患者のうつ・不安・QOLに対する心理的看護と健康教育の影響
Vera Abeln The effect of a psychomotor intervention on EEG and neuropsychological performances in older adults with and without MCI link MCIの有無により高齢者の脳波と神経心理課題成績に対する精神運動介入の効果は異なる
Gabriella Santangelo The Mental Health Status in Italian elderly subjects during and after the quarantine for COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study link イタリア人高齢者におけるCOVID-19パンデミックの中後の社会的隔離下の精神状態
Jae-Nam Bae Cognitive reserve and the effects of a virtual reality-based cognitive training in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment and normal cognition link MCIおよび健常認知機能の高齢者における認知予備力と仮想現実(VR)用いた認知トレーニングの効果
Cemile KUTMEÇ YILMAZ Effect of progressive muscle relaxation on adaptation to old age and quality of life among older people in a nursing home: A randomized controlled trial link 施設の高齢者に対する漸増筋弛緩によるQOLへの効果について家ランダム化試験
André Hajek Do lonely and socially isolated individuals think that they die earlier? The link between loneliness, social isolation and expectations of longevity based on a nationally representative sample link 寂しさを感じる孤立した人は早く死ぬと考えているか-国を代表する人口サンプルを用いた寂しさ・孤立・長寿の関連について
Christa Boulos Gender specific factors associated with risk of depression among Lebanese older adults link レバノン人高齢者のうつ症状と関係する性特異的な要因について
Sharifah Azizah Haron Relationship between Financial Well-Being, Life Satisfaction, and Cognitive Function among Low-Income Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Sex link 定収入地域の高齢者における経済力・満足度・認知機能の関係:男女差の関与について
Yohko Maki Discrepancies in persons with dementia, family members, and physician perspectives of dementia treatment: A descriptive study link 認知症患者・家族・医師の認知症治療に対する視点の乖離:記述的研究
ruilu Xie Does cognitive decline/dementia increase the risk of delirium in acute stroke patients? link 認知機能低下/認知症は急性期脳卒中患者のせん妄のリスクを増強するか
Rocco Salvatore Calabro How patients with mild dementia living in a nursing home benefit from Dementia Cafés: a case-control study focusing on psychological and behavioral symptoms and caregiver burden link 介護施設の軽度認知症高齢者に認知症カフェはどう役立っているのか:心理行動症状と介護者の負担についての対照研究
Hajime Tabuchi Effect of different parietal hypoperfusion on neuropsychological characteristics in mild cognitive impairment link 軽度認知機能障害の神経心理学的特徴に及ぼす頭頂領域血流低下の影響
Nobue Nakahori Association between marital status and cognitive function in Japan: results from the Toyama Dementia Survey link 婚姻状況と認知機能との関連:富山県認知症高齢者実態調査の結果から
Sophie Bayard Apathy and executive functioning in everyday environment in community-dwelling nondemented elderly: the mediating effect of impulsivity link 地域在住高齢者の日常生活におけるアパシーと遂行機能:衝動性の関与について
Taiga Fuju Development of the Dementia Caregiver Positive Feeling Scale 21-item version (DCPFS-21) in Japan to recognise positive feelings about caregiving for people with dementia link 認知症家族介護の肯定的な側面の気づきに資する認知症介護肯定感尺度21項目版の開発
Shucun Qin Roles and mechanisms of phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) in the development of Alzheimer's disease link アルツハイマー病の行動異常:18F-FDG PETによる説明と予測
Afsaneh Doosti Association between swallowing disorders and cognitive disorders in adults: Systematic review and metaanalysis link 嚥下障害と認知機能の関係:系統的レビューとメタ解析
Nagisa Katayama A case presenting with persecutory delusions as an initial symptom of elderly bipolar disorder link 被害妄想を初期症状とした老年期双極性障害の一例
Bahadir Demir Medication-free remission with shunt surgery for depression induced by normal pressure hydrocephalus link 正常圧水頭症による抑うつ症状が薬物療法なしにシャント術により改善した症例
Yuki Matsuda Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression in an elderly patient with an unruptured intracranial aneurysm: A case report link 未破裂脳動脈瘤を併存する治療抵抗性老年期うつ病に対して反復経頭蓋磁気刺激(rTMS)を施行した1例
Hiroshige Fujishiro Visual text hallucinations in a patient with posterior cortical atrophy attributable to Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body disease link アルツハイマー病とレビー小体病による後方大脳皮質萎縮症におけるVisual text hallucinations
UKAI Katsuyuki Epileptic cognitive impairment resembling Alzheimer disease: A new type of treatable neurocognitive disorder link アルツハイマー病類似てんかん性認知障害:治療可能な新しい認知障害の提唱
Takahiko Nagamine Long-term preoperative use of zolpidem is associated with postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing hip surgery link ゾルピデムを術前に長期使用していた高齢者は、大腿骨頚部骨折で術後せん妄を発生するリスクが高くなる
Mitsuhiro Sado Is ‘dementia-friendly design' cost effective? The results of preliminary literature review link 認知症に優しい環境デザインの費用対効果について:予備的文献調査
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Georges Assaf Knowledge and Attitude Towards Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in a Low to Middle Income Country (LMIC): A Cross-Sectional Survey Among Lebanese Middle-Aged and Older Adults link 低・中開発国におけるアルツハイマー病とその他の認知症に対する知識と対応について-レバノンの中高年者の横断調査から-
Akemi Miyagawa The Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident on Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia among Patients link 東日本大震災ならびに福島第一原子力発電所事故が認知症患者のBPSDに与えた影響
Hiroshi Hayashi Comparison of the decreases in regional cerebral blood flow in the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and parietal lobe between suspected non-Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology and Alzheimer's disease link Suspected non-Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology(SNAP)とアルツハイマー型認知症における後部帯状回、楔前部および頭頂葉の局所脳血流低下の比較
Takako Yoshimura Assessment of cube-copying among community-dwelling elderly living in Japan using the vertex criterion and parallelism link 地域在住高齢者における立方体模写の頂点と軸平行評価
Busra Yurumez Korkmaz Attitudes of geriatric population towards risks about COVID-19 pandemic: In the context of anxiety and depression link COVID-19リスクに関する高齢者の対応-不安と抑うつを中心に-
Güler Duru Asiret Investigation of the effects of the interventions made according to the Progressively Lowered Stress Threshold Model on the care outcomes of Alzheimer patient and their family: A randomized clinical trial link アルツハイマー病の患者と家族に対して漸減ストレス閾値モデルによる介入効果に関するランダム化臨調治験
Sayuri Suwa Multidisciplinary Pharmacotherapy Collaboration for Home-based Older Adults with Dementia: A Study Focusing on Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nursing Professionals link 在宅認知症高齢者の薬物療法のための多職種協働による支援の基本と実施状況:医師、薬剤師、看護職者を対象とした横断研究
Imatullah Akyar Caregivers' Experiences of Patients with Moderate-Stage Alzheimer's Disease: A Qualitative Study link 中等症アルツハイマー病患者の介護者の体験に関する質的調査
Weihua Yu Relationship between neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive functions in patients with cognitive impairment link 認知機能低下を呈する患者における精神神経症状と認知機能の関係について
Shutaro Nakaaki Caregiver self-efficacy and associated factors among caregivers of patients with dementia with Lewy bodies and caregivers of patients with Alzheimer disease link レビー小体型認知症とアルツハイマー型認知症の介護者における介護者の自己効力感と関連要因
Cüneyt Çam Elderly people's quality of life in rural areas of Turkey and its relationship with loneliness and sociodemographic characteristics link トルコの田舎地域における高齢者のQOLに関する孤独感と社会的背景の特徴
Md. Dilshad Manzar Loneliness may mediate the relationship between depression and the quality of life among elderly with mild cognitive impairment link 軽度認知障害を呈する高齢者にみられる抑うつとQOLとの関係には孤独感が関係している
Jing Zhang Periodontal disease and the risk of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis link 歯周病とアルツハイマー病および軽度認知障害のリスクについてのシステマティックレビューとメタ開設
Misa Nakamura Increased anxiety about falls and walking ability among community-dwelling link COVID-19パンデミック渦における日本の地域在住高齢者の転倒不安と歩行能力への不安の増加
Shinpei Matsuda Personal identification systems for persons with dementia: a systematic review link 認知症と個人識別システム:システマティック・レビュー
Yuhei Mori Anorexia nervosa related to Type 2 diabetes mellitus in an elderly woman: a case report link 2型糖尿病に関連した神経性無食欲症 : 高齢女性の1例
Riko Nakayama The Relationship Between Cognitive Decline and Well-Being: Investigation in Older Community-Dwelling People with Moderately Impaired Cognition link 認知機能と精神的健康の関係:認知機能の低下した地域在住高齢者における探索的研究
Maria I. Lapid Death and dying are not dirty words: palliative care and the older person in the COVID-19 pandemic link COVID-19感染期の中の高齢者の緩和ケア-死は必ずしも忌むべき言葉ではない
Mehmet Ilkin NAHARCI Delirium in a patient with Alzheimer's dementia following Covid-19 vaccination link アルツハイマー病患者に診られたCOVID-19によるせん妄
Gloria Leonardi One size does not fit all: Individual differences in attachment style and fear of COVID-19 in hospitalized elderly patients link 入院中高齢者のCOVID-19に対する恐怖感と適応スタイルの違い:一つのやり方だけでは十分ではない
Yi-No Kang Melodic intonation therapy may improve repetition in non-fluent aphasia after stroke link メロデイック イントネーション療法は脳卒中後の非流暢性失語症の反復を改善する
Tsuyoshi Okamura Green care farms in urban settings as a new paradigm for dementia care link 都市における新たな認知症ケアとしての農福連携の可能性
Tsuyoshi Okamura Analysis of challenges faced by care managers in providing end-of-life care on older people with terminally ill cancer and dementia link ケアマネが終末期ケアで経験する困難の分析:がんと認知症の場合
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Andre Hajek Personality and functional impairment. Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe link 人格と機能障害-ヨーロッパにおける健康、加齢、退職についての調査から-
Ilkay KESER The effect of individual reminiscence therapy on adaptation difficulties of the elderly: a randomized clinical trial link 高齢の適応困難者に対する個別回想法の効果についてのランダム化臨床治験
Murat Yalcin Mental health and factors related to life satisfaction in nursing home and community-dwelling older adults during link 新型コロナ感染下のトルコ高齢者のメンタルヘルスと人生への満足度について
Tsuyoshi Okamura Depressed mood and frailty among older people in link 新型コロナウイルスによる緊急事態宣言下の東京における高齢者の抑うつとフレイル
Xia Zhao Loneliness and frailty among nursing home older adults: the multiple mediating role of social support and resilience link 高齢者ホームにおける寂しさとフレイル、社会的支援による複合的役割とレジリエンスについて
zakiye Ghelbash Effect of a self-care training program using smartphones on general health, nutrition status, and sleep quality in the elderly link スマートフォンを用いた高齢者の健康、栄養、睡眠についてのセルフケア訓練の効果
Katsuyuki Ukai A proposal for a new clinical entity: transient epileptic amnesia complex syndrome (TEACS) link 新しい臨床疾患概念の提案:一過性てんかん性健忘複合症候群
Zhongxiao Wan The effect of hormone replacement therapy on cognitive function in healthy postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis of 23 randomized controlled trials link 閉経後女性の認知機能に対するホルモン補充療法の効果-23本のRCT論文のメタ解析
Samir Kumar Praharaj Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder with memory obsessions: a case report link 記憶強迫を呈した高齢発症の強迫性障害-症例報告
AJ Larner Transient epileptic amnesia and amygdala enlargement revisited link 一過性てんかん性健忘と偏桃体拡大についての再考
Annemiek Dols Perspectives on recovery by older persons with bipolar disorder, their caregivers, and mental healthcare professionals: an exploratory approach using focus groups and social dialogue link 高齢双極性障害患者、介護者、専門職の回復過程についての展望-グループでの対話を活用した探索的アプローチ
Kenichi Meguro Humans can only be cared for by humans: Opposition against a recent misunderstanding of the digital society as a future society and describing the importance of ‘the second person’ link 人間は人間によってのみ、癒される。「デジタル社会」が素晴らしい未来社会であるという最近の誤解への反論と「2人称QOL」の重要性について。
Hidenobu Suzuki Continuation rate for asenapine and brexpiprazole treatment in elderly patients with schizophrenia link 高齢統合失調症患者におけるアセナピンおよびブレキシプラゾール治療の継続率