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Hülya Kulakçı Altıntas Prevalence of elder abuse among community‐dwelling older adults in Turkey and its associated factors link トルコ在住地域居住高齢者における虐待の発生率とそれに関連する因子
Philipp Hessmann Association between longitudinal clinical outcomes in patients with hip fracture and their pre‐fracture place of residence link 股関節骨折患者の経時的臨床経過と骨折前の居住地との関連性
Weerasak Muangpaisan Cognitive profiles and optimal cut‐offs for routine cognitive tests in elderly individuals with Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and normal cognition link パーキンソン病患者、パーキンソン病に伴う認知症患者、アルツハイマー病患者、および認知機能健常高齢者における通常の認知機能検査の認知機能プロファイルと適正なカットオフポイント。
Hikaru Oba Cognitive decline reduces household spending among older people link 認知機能の低下は高齢者の家計支出を縮小する
Ping Lei Relationship between normal weight obesity and mild cognitive impairment is reflected in cognitive‐related genes in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells link 正常体重肥満(代謝的肥満)と軽度認知機能障害との関連性はヒト末梢血単核球中の認知機能関連遺伝子に反映されている。
Yoshihisa Hirakawa Meaning and practices of spiritual care for older people with dementia: experiences of nurses and care workers link 認知症高齢者へのスピリチュアルケアの意味と実践:看護師と介護職の経験から
Hidehito Niimura Sociopsychological characteristics of late nonagenarians in Japan: the protocol of the Arakawa 95+ study link 日本における「准百寿者」の心理社会的特性の検討: 荒川区95歳以上コホート研究のプロトコール論文
Tengku Aizan Hamid Emotional regulation as a mediator between the filial behaviour of the oldest son and subjective well‐being of older parents in Pakistan link パキスタンにおける長男としての行動と高齢の両親の主観的幸福感とを情動制御が繋げる
Argyroula E. Kalaitzaki Depression, negative relating with the oldest child, and the mediating role of resilience in community elders’ psychological well‐being: a pilot study in Greece link 地域在住高齢者の心理的幸福感におけるうつ状態、最年長子とのネガティブな関係、およびレジリエンスの仲介的役割:ギリシャにおけるパイロット研究
Shutaro Nakaaki Factor structure of the Japanese version of the Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale (QOL‐AD) link QOL-ADの日本語版の因子構造
Jeanyung Chey Moderating effect of cognitive reserve on the association between grey matter atrophy and memory varies with age in older adults link 灰白質の萎縮と高齢者の年齢に伴う記憶力変化の相関に対する認知予備力の緩和効果
Norio Murayama Evaluating depression in cognitively healthy elderly people by using Mini‐Mental State Examination link Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE)を用いた健常高齢者の抑うつ評価
Ayataka Fujimoto Activities of daily living are associated with outcomes of epilepsy treatment in elderly patients link 高齢者のてんかん治療結果はADLにより異なる
Gülbahar Korkmaz Aslan The prevalence of insomnia and its risk factors among older adults in a city in Turkey's Aegean Region link トルコのエーゲ海地域都市における高齢者の不眠症の有病率とリスク因子
Eiji Kirino Difficulty differentiating a case of posterior cortical atrophy from a psychogenic disturbance of vision link 心因性視力障害との鑑別が困難であった後頭皮質萎縮症(posterior cortical atrophy)の一例
Marine Ambar Akkaoui Bright light therapy improved sleep disturbances in a patient with dementia with Lewy bodies link 光療法はレビー小体型認知症患者の睡眠障害を改善した
Yosuke Fukushima A case of burning mouth syndrome leading to suicide 10 days after self‐cutting of tongue link 自己による舌切断の10日後に自殺に至った口腔灼熱症候群の1例
Yasuhide Mitsumoto Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation enhances vulnerability of striatal dopaminergic neurons to 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine neurotoxicity in mice link レム断眠負荷マウスにおける線条体ドパミン神経のMPTP神経毒性に対する脆弱性増大
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Bernd Kundermann Actigraphic, but not subjective, sleep measures are associated with cognitive impairment in memory clinic patients link 主観的睡眠時間ではなくアクチグラフで計測された睡眠時間はメモリークリニックの患者の認知機能障害と相関性がある
Helen Lavretsky Cortical thickness increases with levomilnacipran treatment in a pilot randomised double‐blind placebo‐controlled trial in late‐life depression link 高齢者うつ病を対象としたパイロット無作為二重盲検対照化試験においてレボミルナシプランの投与は大脳皮質の厚さを亢進させた
Kenichi Meguro Alzheimer's deterioration in intellectual and neurobiological staging supports the retrogenesis model: a double dissociation between verbal/non‐verbal judgments and the left/right parieto‐temporal glucose metabolism. A retrospective data analysis from the Tajiri Project link アルツハイマー病における知的・生物学的障害と「逆発生モデル」:言語/非言語性判断と左/右頭頂側頭葉の糖代謝低下の二重乖離.田尻プロジェクトデータの後方視的分析
Seishi Terada Diagnostic utility of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-III (ACE‐III), Mini‐ACE, Mini‐Mental State Examination, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Hasegawa Dementia Scale‐Revised for detecting mild cognitive impairment and dementia link 軽度認知障害および認知症の診断における,ACE-III,Mini-ACE,MMSE,MoCA,HDS-Rの有用性
Minoru Kouzuki Evaluation of the effect of aroma oil as a bath salt on cognitive function link 認知機能に対するアロマオイル添加入浴剤の有効性についての検討
Lingzhong Xu Association between frailty and life satisfaction among older people in Shandong, China: the differences in age and general self‐efficacy link 中国山東省の高齢者におけるフレイルと生活満足度との相関性:年齢と一般性セルフ・エフィカシーにおける差異
Xiangyang Zhu Correlations between blood lipid, serum cystatin C, and homocysteine levels in patients with Parkinson's disease link パーキンソン病患者における血液脂質、血漿市スタチンC、およびホモシステインレベルの相関性
Seishi Terada Patient affect and caregiver burden in dementia link 認知症における,患者の呈する感情と介護負担度
Adina Carmen Ilie Elder abuse and associated factors in eastern romania link 東部ルーマニアにおける高齢者虐待とその関連因子
Ersin K. Ulusoy Frequency of non‐motor symptoms and their impact on the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease: a prospective descriptive case series link パーキンソン病患者における非運動性徴候の頻度と生活の質に対するその影響:前向き記述式連続ケーススタディ
Mahshid Foroughan Early detection of cognitive disturbances in mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review of observational studies link 軽度認知障害における認知機能低下の早期検出:観察研究の系統的レビュー
Muneto Izuhara The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy for psychiatric symptoms and cognitive fluctuations similar to dementia with Lewy bodies: a case report link レビー小体型認知症の精神症状および認知のゆらぎに対する電気けいれん療法の効果:症例報告
Katsuyuki Ukai A case of primary hyperparathyroidism in an elderly patient who exhibited characteristic severe generalized pain: the second case report in the literature link 特徴的な激しい全身性疼痛を呈した高齢者の原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の1例:文献上の第2例目の症例報告
Masanaka Takeda Transient epileptic amnesia in a temporal lobe epilepsy patient with amygdala enlargement: a case study link 一過性てんかん性健忘を呈した扁桃体腫大を伴った側頭葉てんかんの1症例
Markus Donix Education correction for neurocognitive testing link 神経認知機能検査に対する教育歴の影響
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Segers,Kurt Anxiety symptoms are quantitatively and qualitatively different in dementia with Lewy bodies compared to Alzheimer’s disease in the years preceding clinical diagnosis. link レビー小体病患者の不安症状はアルツハイマー病患者とは質的量的に異なる
Kyou,Yoshitaka A retrospective study on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia in patients referred to the Sagamihara Municipal Medical Center for Dementia for consultation link 相模原市認知症疾患医療センターを介して受診した認知症患者の診断・治療に関する後方視的調査
Kimoto,Katsuhiko The effect of masticatory behaviour on generalized attention in heathy volunteers link 健康なボランティアの全般性注意に対する咀嚼行動の影響
Maruta,Michio Impact of sensory impairments on dementia incidence and symptoms among Japanese older adults link 日本人高齢者における認知症発生と行動・心理症状への感覚障害の影響
Voros,Viktor The Impact of Depressive Mood and Cognitive Impairment on the Quality of Life of the Elderly link 高齢者の生活の質に及ぼす抑うつと認知障害
Alizadeh-Khoei,Mahtab Validation of Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate II (PACSLAC-II) in Iranian Older Adults with Dementia Living at Nursing Homes link イランの老人ホーム入居高齢者に折れる痛み評価チェックリスト(PACSLAC- Ⅱ)信頼性の検討
Zawadzka,Ewa Cognitive illness representation and anxiety in older men and women with type 2 diabetes link 2型糖尿病高齢者における認知機能と不安
Takahashi,Masato Uncinate fasciculus disruption relates to poor recognition of negative facial emotions in Alzheimer's disease: a cross‐sectional diffusion tensor imaging study link アルツハイマー病における不快表情認知と鉤状束との関連について:横断的拡散テンソル画像研究
Sung-Man,Bae Factors associated with depressive symptoms among elderly Korean: the role of health status, work ability, financial problems, living alone, and family relationship link 韓国人高齢者における抑うつ症状と関連する因子;:健康状態、就労能力、経済問題、孤独生活、家族関係の果たす役割
Ros,Laura Reminiscence, personality, coping and mood state in institutionalised older adults: a cross‐sectional study link 入院高齢者の回想、人格、コーピングとうつ状態:横断研究
Ilie ,Adina Evaluation of frailty and its impact on geriatric assessment link フレイの評価と高齢者の評価への影響
Tanaka,Hiroyuki Clinical factors associated with activities of daily living and their decline in patients with severe dementia link 重度認知症者におけるADL障害の関連因子
Yilmaz,Nuryil Dissatisfaction with Life and Absence of Leisure Time Activity: Clues to Overt Depression and Occult Suicide Risk in Elderly Individuals without Significant Disabling Disease link 人生の不満足と余暇活動のなさ: 高齢者のうつ病と自殺の危険性への手掛かり
Nagata,Tomoyuki Anosognosia in patients with Alzheimer's disease: current perspectives link アルツハイマー病における病態失認:今後の展望について
Maeda,Kiyoshi The Dementia Kobe Model: initiatives to promote a Dementia Friendly Community in Kobe City, Japan link 認知症『神戸モデル』、認知症のひとにやさしい地域づくりを進めるための神戸市における施策
Lombardi,Gemma A case of limbic encephalitis evolving into a Frontotemporal Dementia-like picture link 辺縁性脳炎から前頭側頭型認知症を発症した一例
MAGNE,Hugues Geriatric psychiatrists: could they save demented elderlies from sarcopenia link 老年精神科医は認知症高齢者をサルコペニアから救い出すことができるのか?
Kawada,Tomoyuki Risk factors of insomnia in the elderly with special reference to depression and hypertension link 老年者の不眠症危険因子: うつ病と高血圧症に焦点をあてて
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Tsai,Shang-Ying Differences in outcomes between older community-dwelling bipolar disorder and schizophrenia with illness onset at young age link 若い時に発症した双極性障害と統合失調症の地域在住高齢者の予後の違いについて
GÜZEL,Aysun Determining the prevalence of depression among older adults living in Burdur, Turkey, and their associated factors link トルコのブルドゥール地方在住高齢者におけるうつ病有病率
Yang,Xiaoshi Perceive stress and social support influence anxiety symptoms among Chinese family caregivers of community-dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study link 主観的ストレスとソーシャルサポートは中国の地域在住高齢者を介護する家族の不安症状に影響する;横断研究
Ryuno,Hirochika Association between sleep, care burden, and related factors among family caregivers at home link 在宅における家族介護者の睡眠と介護負担感の関連及びその関連に影響を与える要因
Briones Peralta,María Ángeles Effects of a practical training programme on burnout among professional caregivers in a care home for older adults with dementia: a pilot study link 認知症高齢者の介護施設における専門介護者に対するバーンアウトに対するプログラムの効果
Huang,Ying Factors associated with health-related quality of life among family caregivers of Alzheimer's disease link アルツハイマー病患者家族の健康に関する生活の質に関する要因
Kapusta,Joanna Evaluation of frequency of occurrence of cognitive impairment in the course of arterial hypertension in the elderly population link 高齢者の動脈硬化の経過中に見られる認知機能障害の評価
Lei,Ping Mild hypertension prevents elderly from cognitive impairment: a seven-year retrospective cohort study link ケイド高血圧は高齢者の認知機能障害を予防する; 7年間の後方視的コホート研究
Shimizu,Soichiro Effects of 12-month exercise intervention on physical and cognitive functions of nursing home residents requiring long-term care -non-randomized pilot study link 特別養護老人ホームにおける12ヶ月間運動介入における身体及び認知機能への効果の検討
Du,Yifeng The power of Functional Activities Questionnaire for screening dementia in rural-dwelling older adults at high-risk of cognitive impairment link 高リスクを有する田舎居住高齢者における認知症スクリーニングのための機能活動評価法
Ogino ,Tetsuya Relationship of independence of daily living and human relationship with others on preparation for bereavement among healthy elderly Japanese people link 健康な日本人高齢者における日常生活の自立、他者との関係、死別への備えとの関係
Chan,Hung-Yu The Factors Associated with Inappropriate Prescription Patterns of Benzodiazepines and Related Drugs among Patients with Dementia link 認知症患者における不適切なベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤の処方と関連する因子
Bui,Bonnie The relationship between social network characteristics and depressive symptoms among older adults in the United States: Differentiating between network structure and network function link 米国の高齢者における社会的ネットワークと抑うつ症状の関係:ネットワーク構造とネットワーク機能の違いについて
Stolz,Erwin Frailty index predicts geriatric psychiatry inpatient mortality: A case-control study link フレイルインデックスは高齢精神科入院患者の死亡率を予見しうる
BAKAN,Ayse Berivan An investigation of the relationship between ageing in place and successful ageing in elderly individuals link 高齢者の生まれた場所での生活とサクセスフルエイジングとの関係に関する研究
Takeda,Shinya Effects of a lifestyle-development program designed to reduce the risk factors for cognitive decline on the mental health of elderly individuals link 認知機能低下の危険因子を減らす生活習慣改善プログラムが高齢者の精神的健康に及ぼす影響
Xie,Guozhu Preoperative prognostic nutritional index predicts postoperative delirium in elderly patients after hip fracture surgery link 術前の栄養評価は大腿骨折手術後のせん妄を予測する
Jin,Zhaosheng Postoperative delirium- the findings from a multidisciplinary survey link 術後せん妄:多面的検討からの知見
Zhang,Ying Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty link 大腿骨折手術を受けた高齢者の認知機能障害
McVilly,Keith Trained assistance dogs for people with dementia: a systematic review link 認知症患者における不適切なベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤の処方と関連する因子対する補助犬;系統的レビュー
Hirano,Mitsuaki Background of the neuropathological site in neurocognitive decline in elderly schizophrenic patients link 高齢の統合失調症患者における認知機能低下の背景病理の探索
Segers,Kurt Takotsubo cardiomyopathy as a consequence of acute anxiety in a patient with Alzheimer's disease associated with Lewy body disease link レビー小体病を合併するアルツハイマー病の急逝不安症状としてのたこつぼ症候群
Shimizu,Kanako Clinical features of bereavement-related depression in Japanese elderly: An observational study link 死別関連うつ病の臨床的特徴:日本の高齢者を対象とした観察研究
Brandão,Tânia The Perceived Needs Questionnaire for Dementia Informal Caregivers (PNQ-DIC): Development and initial validation link 認知症を介護する家族の主観的要求調査票(PNQ-DIC)の開発と妥当性の検討
Matsuda,Yuki Mirtazapine-induced long QT syndrome in an elderly patient: a case report link ミルタザピンによりQT延長症候群を来たした高齢うつ病患者の1例
Hanazawa,Tomoki Acute cholinergic syndrome in a patient taking the prescribed dose of donepezil for Alzheimer's disease link アルツハイマー型認知症に常用量のドネペジルを服用する患者で生じた急性コリン作動性症候群
Takahashi,Tohru Case reports of Cotard's syndrome in Japan: A Review link 日本におけるコタール症候群の症例報告:総説
Nagata,Tomoyuki The time-dependent trajectory of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with Alzheimer's disease link アルツハイマー病における神経精神症状の時間依存的な推移
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Terada,Seishi Sally-Anne test and regional cerebral blood flow in Alzheimer's disease dementia link アルツハイマー型認知症におけるサリー・アン課題と局所脳血流
Graca Pereira,Maria Quality of Life in Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease: The Moderator Role of Family Variables and Coping Strategies from the Patients' Perspective link 早期アルツハイマー病患者のQOL;家族側の要因と患者側の対応方法について
Forstmeier,Simon Quality of the caregiving relationship and quality of life in mild Alzheimer's dementia link 軽症アルツハイマー病のQOLと介護者の関係性について
Trevisan,Caterina Are CYP2D6 and APOE Genotypes Associated with Long-Term Cognitive and Functional Changes in Patients Treated with Donepezil? link ドネペジルで治療中患者の長期認知機能と機能の変化にCYP2D6とApoE遺伝子型は相関しているか?
Yasuno,Fumihiko Interaction effect of Alzheimer's disease pathology and education, occupation, and socioeconomic status as a proxy for cognitive reserve on cognitive performance: In-vivo positron emission tomography study link アルツハイマー病の神経病理と認知予備能の指標:教育歴、職業歴および社会経済的状態との間の相互的な効果が、認知機能に与える影響について:生体内PETイメージング研究
wawrziczny,emilie Predictors of caregiver distress: spouse, adult child living and not living with the person with dementia link 認知症患者との別居・同居の配偶者・子供の介護者の負担を予測する因子
Hajek,Andre The moderating role of flexible goal adjustment in the link between pain and depressive symptoms. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of older adults link 痛みと抑うつに関する目標の可変的な設定の役割:高齢者に関する全国調査のデータから
Wee,Hwee Lin Does health-related quality of life in Asian informal caregivers differ between young onset dementia and late onset dementia? link 認知症のアジア人看護者のQOLについて若齢発症と高齢発症の間に差異が見られるのか
Honjyo,Yasuyuki Use of day services improved cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's disease link 通所介護の利用はアルツハイマー型認知症患者の認知機能を改善させる
Roystonn,Kumarasan P Living arrangements and cognitive abilities in older adults living in the community in Singapore link シンガポール在住者における認知機能と住居環境の関係
Sembiah,Sembagamuthu Elder abuse and its predictors: A Cross-sectional Study in a rural area of West Bengal, Eastern part of India. link 高齢者漁躯体とその予測因子について:インド西ベンガル農村部の横断研究
Sohng,Kyeong-Yae The Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy Program in Korean Older Adults with Dementia link 韓国の認知症高齢者に対する動物介在療法の心理的・行動的効果について
Bae,Sung-Man The association between health-related factors, physical and mental diseases, social activities, and the cognitive functioning of elderly Koreans: A population-based cross-sectional study link 韓国人高齢者における健康・社会活動と認知機能の関係について
Li,Jiang Association of body mass index and blood lipid profile with cognitive function in Chinese elderly population: data from 2009-2015 CHNS link 中國人高齢者におけるBMI、血中脂質と認知機能の関係
da Silva,Rosiene Vieira Sleep quality features and association with mood symptoms and cognitive factors in a non-clinical sample of Brazilian older adults link ブラジル高齢者における睡眠と認知機能・うつ症状との関係
Ozone,Motohito Efficacy of Yokukansan Compared with Clonazepam for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Preliminary Retrospective Study link REM睡眠行動障害に対する抑肝散とクロナゼパムの有効性の比較:予備的後方視研究
Wang,Xiao-feng Frailty and incident depressive symptoms in a Chinese sample- the Rugao Longevity and Ageing Study link 中国人高齢者におけるフレイルと抑うつ症状
Kodaka,Fumitoshi Inter-method reliability between automatic region of interest analytic application with multi-atlas segmentation and FreeSurfer link マルチアトラス法を用いた関心領域自動分割ソフトウェアとFreeSurferとの間の方法間信頼性
lu,yang Usage and adherence of antidementia drugs in a memory clinic cohort in Chongqing, Southwest China link 中国西南部都市の年のメモリークリニックにおける抗認知症薬剤の使用
CEKER,Eda The Investigation of the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Depression in Elderly Individuals link 高齢者の宗教傾向と抑うつの関係について
Morowatisharifabad,Mohammad Ali Prevalence and Related Factors of Complicated Grief in Elderlies of Sabzevar City, Iran link イラン在住の高齢者における複雑悲嘆の有病率と関与する要因
Yamamoto,Yasuji Effect of Feru-guard 100M on amyloid beta deposition in individuals with mild cognitive impairment link 軽度認知障害患者の脳アミロイド沈着に対するフェルガード100Mの有効性
Utsumi,Kumiko Characteristics of initial symptoms and symptoms at diagnosis in probable dementia with Lewy body disease: Incidence of symptoms and gender differences link DLBの初発症状と診断時における各症状の頻度および性差の特徴
Bruneau,Marie-Andree Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder mistaken for Behavioral and Psychological symptoms of Dementia: Case Series and Recommendations of care link 認知症のアジア人看護者のQOLについて若齢発症と高齢発症の間に差異が見られるのかBPSDと間違われたPTSD: 症例報告と介護への提案
Nemoto,Kiyotaka A case of concomitant dementia with Lewy bodies and argyrophilic grain disease with prominent psychiatric symptoms link 顕著な精神症状を呈したレビー小体型認知症と嗜銀顆粒性認知症の合併例
SOYSAL,Pinar Delirium can be the first clinical presentation of COVID-19 infection in an older adult link 高齢者ではせん妄はCOVID-19感染の初期症状となりうる
Umeyaki,Yojiro A case of oral cenesthopathy which developed dementia with Lewy bodies during the treatment. link 口腔セネストパチーの治療途中に発症した、レヴィー小体型認知症の一例
Takenoshita,Miho A Case of Elderly Patient with Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain around Dental Implants Successfully Treated with Mirtazapine link ミルタザピンが有効であった高齢者の歯科用インプラント部に生じた非定型歯痛の1例
Islam,Sheikh Mohammed Shariful The prevalence and correlates of fear of falling among older people in Bangladesh link バングラデッシュ高齢者についての転倒への恐怖
Satoh,Masayuki Non-converter type with cerebral amyloid angiopathy may be included among persistent amnestic MCI: a case report. link 持続する健忘型 MCI には non-converter type の脳アミロイド血管症が含まれうる:症例報告
Ruggeri,Massimiliano Atypical Charles Bonnet Syndrome in a patient with hemianopia and cognitive impairment after right occipitotemporal stroke link 右側後頭側頭部梗塞後に半盲と認知機能障害を呈した人非定型シャルルボンネ症候群
Ito,Daisuke Factors associated with post-stroke apathy in subacute stroke patients link 回復期脳卒中患者における脳卒中後アパシーとの関連因子
Regueira,Patricia Delirium as Primary Manifestation of Glioblastoma Multiforme: Report of Two Cases link 多形性膠芽腫に見られるせん妄:2つの症例
Hsu,Chun-Hsien Supraventricular bigeminy in the elderly may mimic panic disorder deterioration link 高齢者における上部心室二段脈はパニック障害に似た混乱を引き起こしうる
Donix,Markus Familial risk of dementia and mediators of memory clinic referrals link 認知症患者の家族におけるリスクとメモリークリニックへの紹介
Shea,Yat Fung Time-to-change: dementia care in COVID-19 link COVID-19下での認知症ケア:今が変えるべき時
Kumar,Velayudhan Mohan Reverse quarantine: Management of COVID-19 by Kerala with its higher number of aged population link 逆隔離:インド・カレラ州でのCOVID-19対策
He,Xing-xiang Fecal microbiota transplantation simultaneously ameliorates patient's essential tremor and irritable bowel syndrome link 糞便細菌叢の移植は振戦と過敏性消化管症状とを軽減できる
Kobayashi,Ryota Detection of reduced dopamine transporter availability by 123I-FP-CIT SPECT in a patient of frontotemporal dementia with motor neuron disease link 運動ニューロン疾患を伴う前頭側頭型認知症におけるドパミントランスポーター(DAT)SPECTを用いたDAT低下の検出
Naito,Yasuo Effect of the severity of Alzheimer's disease on upper limb function link アルツハイマー型認知症の重症度が上肢機能に与える影響
Xue,Fu-Shan The use of preoperative prognostic nutritional index and age to predict postoperative delirium in elderly patients link 栄養指標と年齢により高齢者の術後せん妄を予測できる
Kobayashi,Ryota Phenoconversion from REM sleep behavior disorder to multiple system atrophy is predicted by abnormal dopamine transporter imaging combined with normal 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy: a case report link レム睡眠行動障害から多系統萎縮症へのフェノコンバージョンは、正常なMIBG心筋シンチグラフィー所見と異常なドーパミントランスポーターイメージング所見によって予測される
Garg,Divyani The Role of Cardiac 123 I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine Scintigraphy in Multiple System Atrophy link 多系統萎縮症における心筋シンチの有用性について
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Awata,Shuichi Prevalence and subtype distribution of early-onset dementia in Japan link 若年性認知症の有病率と下位類型の分布
Iwasa,Hajime Personality and health literacy among community-dwelling older adults living in Japan link 地域高齢者におけるパーソナリティとヘルスリテラシーの関連
AYDIN,Adeviye Mental Health Symptoms, Spiritual Well-Being and Meaning in Life amongst Older Adults Living in Nursing Homes and Community Dwellings link 介護ホーム・在宅の高齢者の精神衛生上の症状・ウェルビーイングと生きがい
Pan,Chen-Wei Combined effect of three common lifestyles on cognitive impairment among older Chinese adults:a community-based, cross-sectional survey link 中国人高齢者の認知機能障害に対する3つの共通因子の効果:地域在住者についての横断的研究
Bae,Jae-Nam Relationship between subjective memory complaint and executive function in a community sample of South Korean Elderly link 韓国の地域在住高齢者についての主観的記憶障害と遂行機能の関係について
Chang,Yu-San Sarcopenia in female patients with Alzheimer's disease were more likely to have lower levels of hemoglobin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D link 女性アルツハイマー病のサルコペニアはヘモグロビンと2,5-OHビタミンDの低値を示する
Ayaz-Alkaya,Sultan Adaptation Difficulty and Religious Coping Styles for the Elderly in Turkey link トルコ高齢者における適応困難と宗教への対処様式
Uzer,Ahmet The effect of circadian preferences on insomnia severity and depressive symptoms via sleep hygiene in older adults with depression and healthy controls link うつ病あるいは健常高齢者の睡眠衛生を介した概日リズムが不眠とうつ症状に及ぼす影響
Jang,Jae-Won Depressive Symptoms Are Associated with Worse Cognitive Prognosis in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Idiopathic Parkinson Disease link 新たに診断された特発性パーキンソン病において抑うつ症状は低い認知機能と相関している
Foong,Hui Foh The Association Between Religious Orientation and Life Satisfaction in Older Adults Living with Morbidity and Multimorbidity: A Gender Perspective in Malaysia link 疾病を有する高齢者における宗教と人生の満足度は相関している
Zabalegui,Adelaida Psychoeducational intervention on burden and emotional well-being addressed to informal caregivers of people with dementia link 認知症患者の介護者の不可と情緒的ウェルビーイングに対する心理教育介入
Cretin,Benjamin Transient epileptic amnesia can inaugurate the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia link 一過性てんかん性記憶障害は前頭側頭型認知症の行動変異型の初期症状となりうる
Shea,Yat Fung Worsening of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia during COVID-19 link COVID-19の感染によるBPSDの憎悪
Renzi,Alessia Psychological intervention with elderly people during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the experience of a Nursing Home in Italy link COVID-19パンデミックにおける高齢者への心理介入:イタリアの老人ホームの経験
Serra-Mestres,Jordi Experience of an acute old age psychiatry ward in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK link 英国のCOVID-19初期における高齢者急性期病棟の経験
Kobayashi,Ryota Recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic and face mask wearing in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: An investigation at a medical center for dementia in Japan link アルツハイマー病患者におけるCOVID-19パンデミックの認識とフェイスマスク着用率:認知症医療センターでの調査
Nakaaki,Shutaro Comparison of various items of the Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale (QOL-AD) in patients with mild or moderate stages of dementia: A cross-sectional study link 日本語版QOL-AD尺度の多様な項目に関する軽度と中程度のアルツハイマー型認知症患者の比較:横断研究
Shea,Yat Fung Poor feeding due to visitors' restriction in long term care facilities during COVID-19 link COVID-19による高齢者介護施設への訪問者の減少による食事摂取量の低下
Morimoto,Nobuhisa Hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism associated with concomitant use of lithium and eldecalcitol in an elderly woman: a case report link 炭酸リチウムとエルデカルシトール内服中に高カルシウム血症及び副甲状腺機能亢進症をきたした高齢女性の1例
Deguchi,Yasuhiko A case of an elderly woman with the first episode of major depressive disorder caused by social isolation during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic link 新型コロナウィルス感染症パンデミック中、社会との関わりからの孤立により発症した大うつ病性障害:初老期女性の初発大うつ病エピソード
So,Winnie Risks of Malnutrition and Depression in Older Adults Living Alone or with a Spouse in Hong Kong link 香港の単身あるいは夫婦で生活する高齢者の栄養不良とうつ病の危険性について
liu,zhonglin A patient with delusional parasitosis secondary to herpes zoster and comorbid depression: A case report link うつ病患者にみられた帯状ヘルペスに続発した妄想性寄生虫妄想の一例
Okamura,Tsuyoshi Defending community living for frail older people during the COVID-19 pandemic link コロナ禍を生きる高齢者の地域生活を守るために