Vol.2 No.1 
March 2002



  Reevaluation of Senile Depression

Naoji Amano
(Department of Psychiatry, Shinshu University School of Medicine)

REVIEW Symptomatology of Late-onset Schizophrenia and Paranoid Disorders
Hidemichi Hamada
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine)
The Present State of Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Takeshi Terao
(Department of Psychiatry, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine)
Delusional Parasitosis
Takuji Hayashi
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)
Paraphrenia and Late Paraphrenia
Arata Sato
(Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Metro-politan Matsuzawa Hospital)
Shin lhda
(Department of Psychiatry, Niigata University School of Medicine)
Region-specific and Age-related Decrease of Parvalbumin Gene Expression in the Prefrontal Cortex of Elderly Patients with Schizophrenia
Tadashi Takahashi
(Department of Psychiatry, Juntendo University School of Medicine,Laboratory of Molecular and Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neurobiology, The Babraham Institute)
Piers C. Emson
(Laboratory of Molecular and Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neurobiology, The Babraham Institute)
Heii Arai
(Department of Psychiatry, Juntendo University School of Medicine)

Cognitive Patterns of Good and Poor Namers in Old Age
Shutaro Nakaaki
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City Univer-sity Medical School)
Masao Nakanishi
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City Univer-sity Medical School)
Nakako Fujiwara
(Nagoya City University School of Nursing)
Hideki Hamajima
(Nagoya University Graduate School of Human Informatics)
Hikaru Nakamura
(Department of Welfare System and Health Science, Okayama Prefectural University)
Shinichi Yoshida
(Yagoto Hospital)
Junko Sato
(Yagoto Hospital)
 Hiroshi Tatsumi
(Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital)
Kyoko Furuhashi
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City Univer-sity Medical School)
Toshiaki Furukawa
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City Univer-sity Medical School)
Lisa Tabor Connor
(Harold Goodglass Aphasia Research Center, Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine)
Kimberly C. Lindfield
(Harold Goodglass Aphasia Research Center, Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine)
Martin L. Albert
(Harold Goodglass Aphasia Research Center, Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine)
Cross-sectional Evaluation of Aged Schizophrenics at Home-Influence of Aging and Social Support
Haruna Saito
(Department of Psychiatry, Shinshu University School of Medicine) 
Naoya Kanamatsu
(Kanamatsu Clinic)
What Environmental and Staffing Characteristics Predict Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Nursing Home Residents?
Henry Brodaty
(Academic Department for Old Age Psychiatry, Prince of Wales Hospital,School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales)
Brian Draper
(Academic Department for Old Age Psychiatry, Prince of Wales Hospital, School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales)
Lee-Fay Low
(Academic Department for Old Age Psychiatry, Prince of Wales Hospital)
Exploring the Role of the Right Temporal Lobe in Person-specific Knowledge: A Case Study of Semantic Dementia Associated with Right Temporal Lobe Atrophy
Shutaro Nakaaki
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City University Medical School )
Junko Sato
(Yagoto Hospital )
Hikaru Nakamura
(Department of Welfare System and Health Science, Okayama Prefectural University )
Shinichi Yoshida
(Yagoto Hospital )
Kyoko Furuhashi
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City University Medical School )  
Toshiaki Furukawa
(Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya City University Medical School ) 
Isao Takabayashi
(Daido Hospital)
A Case with Striatocapsular Infarction that Developed Severe Depression which was Successfully Treated with Olanzapine and Paroxetine
Shinji Tagami
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital,Department of Post-Genomics and diseases, Division of Psychiatry and Behavioral Proteomics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Hisayoshi Niigawa
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital) 
Junko Suzuki
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital)
 Yuriko Mizoguchi(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital) 
Ryosuke Mikiya
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital)
Yasuyuki Miyamae
(Department of Neuropsychiatry, Bell Land General Hospital)
Masatoshi Takeda
(Department of Post-Genomics and diseases, Division of Psychiatry and Behavioral Proteomics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Impressions on Attending the Alzheimerユs Disease International (ADI) Conference
Shivani Nandi
(General Affairs Committee Member, Alzheimer Association Japan)