Vol.1 No.4 
December 2001



The Long and Winding Road: Can Psychogeriatrics Point a Way to the Door of Psychiatric Services in Japan?
Heii Arai and Maki Takano
(Department of Psychiatry, Juntendo University School of Medicine)
Psychogeriatrics in China
Xin Yu
(Institute of Mental Health, Peking University)
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder  
Takayuki Kumano-go,*1 Akira Mikami,*2 Nakamori Suganuma,*2 Hiroyoshi Adachi,*2 
Yoshihisa Shigedo,*1 Yoshiro Sugita,*2 and Masatoshi Takeda*1
(*1Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
*2Department of Medical Science III, Osaka University School of Health Sport Sciences)
Alzheimer Amyloid ?-Secretase: A Special Target for Drug Development
Shoichi Ishiura(Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo), Nika Hotoda, Beata Szabo, Masashi Asai, Chinatsu Hattori, Eiichiro Tanaka, Hisashi Koike, and Noboru Sasagawa
Hippocampal Role in Cognitive Functions and Memory, and Effects of a Novel Cognitive Enhancer on Learning Deficits Due to Hippocampal Lesions
Taketoshi Ono(Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) and Hisao Nishijo
Auditory Event-Related Potentials (P300) and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Elderly Depressed Patients
Kazuyoshi Harada,*1 Noriaki Sumi,*2 Osamu Fujimoto,*3 Kunitoshi Tada,*4 Hisashige Nan-no,*5 Tsuyoshi Nishimura,*6 and Masatoshi Takeda*1
(*1Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine*2Department of Neuropsychiatry, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases*3Department of Psychiatry, Osaka Prefectural Hospital
*4Department of Psychiatry, Sumitomo Hospital*5Minoh Sanatorium for Psychiatric Diseases
*6Koshien University)
An Environmental Change Does Not Affect Dementia Prevalence but Affects Depressive State and Physical Activity: A Trans-Cultural Study of Japanese Elderly Subjects and Japanese Elderly Immigrants in Brazil
Kenichi Meguro,*1 Mitsue Meguro,*2 Paulo Caramelli,*3 Junichi Ishizaki,*1 Hideo Ambo,*4 Rosa Y. S. Chubaci,*5 Hiroshi Ishii,*1 Satoshi Yamaguchi,*1 Masumi Shimada,*1 Gerson S. Hamada,*6 Ricardo Nitrini,*2 and Atsushi Yamadori*1
(*1Division of Neuropsychology, Department of Disability Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
*2Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics
*3Department of Neurology, University of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine
*4Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
*5School of Nursing, University of Sao Paulo
*6Nikkei Disease Prevention Center, Sao Paulo)
Early Onset Alzheimer Type Dementia More Rapidly Deteriorates than Late Onset Type: A Follow-up Study on MMSE Scores in Japanese Patients
Heii Arai,*1 Hiroe Tsubaki,*2 Yoshio Mitsuyama,*3 Naoki Fujimoto,*4 Yasuo Urata,*5 and Akira Homma*6
(*1Department of Psychiatry, Juntendo University School of Medicine
*2Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba
(currently, Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
*3Department of Psychiatry, Miyazaki Medical College Hospital
*4Internal Medicine the third division, Siga Medical Center (currently, Fujimoto Clinic) 
*5Central Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Japan Tobacco Inc. 
*6Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Global Increase in Cortical Opioid Binding Potential with Aging: In Vivo Quantification with [11C]diprenorphine PET
Takeshi Uema,*1,*4 James S. Rakshi,*1 Kengo Ito,*3 Takashi Nishikawa,*4Masatoshi Takeda,*4 and David J. Brooks*1,*2
(*1MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital
*2Institute of Neurology
*3National Institute for Longevity Sciences, National Chubu Hospital
*4Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Prevalence of Dementia Among the Elderly in a Japanese Community PopulationA|Comparative Study on the 1983 and 1996 Survey: The Aichi Study
Hiroto Shibayama,*1 Hiroshi Kobayashi,*3 Makoto Nakagawa,*3 Yasuo Marui,*3 Tatsuo Miyachi,*3 
Yuhei Kayukawa,*3 Kenichi Yamada,*3 Hiromu Iwata,*2 Tohru Takeuchi,*3 Kiyoshi Iwai,*3 Susumu Kogawa,*2 Naoki Kagawa,*3 Makoto Imai,*3 Yutaka Mizuno,*1 Naoki Hashimoto,*3 Yasuo Ibuki,*3 Shunichiro Ogasawara,*3 Fumiyasu Tadano,*3 Takeo Nakagawa,*4 and Tatsuro Ohta*3
(*1Obu Dementia Care Research and Training Center
*2Department of Psychiatry, Aichi Prefectural Shiroyama Hospital
*3Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine*4School of Physical Education, Chukyo University)
An Autopsy Case of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Presenting as Frontotemporal Dementia with Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
Osamu Yokota,*1 Seishi Terada,*1 Hideki Ishizu,*1,*3 Hanae Nakashima,*1 Yoshikatsu Fujisawa,*2 Ken Sasaki,*2 and Shigetoshi Kuroda*1
(*1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry*2Kinoko Espoir Hospital
*3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zikei Institute of Psychiatry)
Subcortical Haemorrhage in the Right Temporal Lobe Exhibiting 
only Transient Agitated Delirium
Jiro Ohnishi
Neurology Service, Hyogo Prefectural Rehabilitation Center