「老年社会科学」 Vol. 7



高齢化社会の住宅問題 集合住宅の立場から



老年社会科学, 7 : 3-12, 1985
This paper concerns various residential conditions and housing environments for the elderly based on actual research in the aging Japanese community. The following aspects are discussed:(1) there are few elderly in newly developed housing or new towns, (2) there are more elderly in old housing or traditional towns, (3) merits and demerits of exclusive generation communities, (4) the need for mixed generation communities with privacy and various kinds of space, (5) the need for barrier free designs for every housing project, (6) the need for town planning and housing located with emphasis upon elderly people, (7) the need for additional the space or guest rooms, and (8) the need for housing responding to changing life cycle.
We need to create housing conditions and mobility with emphasis upon safety, convenience and amenities to support the independence and mutual aid of elderly and others.



高齢化社会の住宅問題 有料老人ホームの立場から



老年社会科学, 7 : 13-21, 1985
The purpose of this paper is to consider the present situation of a country which has a relatively high tempo of aging, and my ideas about high standard institutions for elderly people.
(1) Adaptability to society is a characteristic of Japanese people. The type of toilet bowl as a good example of it.
(2) It took less than years to change our toilet bowls from the Japanese style to the western style. The toilet bowls in the Japanese old people's homes have all been changed to western style. In the same way, it is no longes important to have the traditional "Tatami" mats in our houses.
(3) There are unforeseenable factors of lifestyle and inflation.
(4) At present, the high standard institutions for the elderly people are in the suburbs of big cities, but in the future they will probably expand to the cities.



高齢化社会の住宅問題 一般住宅居住者の立場から



老年社会科学, 7 : 22-29, 1985
In Japan there are comparatively many cases (about 70%) in which an elderly parent lives with his or her child's family.
"The dwelling house most desirable for the old people" most be considered under two separate conditions:1) when the old people are still healthy and 2) when they become bedridden and need special care.
In the case of a healthy parent (or parents) living with their child's family, each generation's privacy must not be disturbed. In order to secure this privacy the house should be built or remodeled, as much as possible, to set apart the kitchen, toilet, bathing room, and entrance way for each generation's use. However, both families should manage to find time and a common room for meeting and talking together.
Whether old parents live alone or together with their children's family, who actually takes care of the old parents when they become bedridden is a serious present day problem. Many old persons in Japan are convinced that their wife of daughter or son's wife should such take care of them when they come to need care.
Nowadays, however, many housewives, who had been tied down to household chores, go out to work to support the household economy. In addition, average caretakers in the family also grow old due to the extension of the average life spar,. These people cannot do much caretaking of their bedridden parents.
It is true some local government welfare systems offer home helpers or lease specially designed beds so that bedridden old people can be taken care of at home, but these administrative steps are still far from perfect.
It is, therefore, desirous that at least the mechanization of the heaviest work for looking after bedridden old persons might be developed to lighten the burden of the caretaker in the family.
The national government should draw up a more satisfactory social welfare budget so that bedridden old persons can be easily attended to even in small-scale households.



高齢化社会の住宅問題 高齢者の居住環境と居住性能について



老年社会科学, 7 : 30-40, 1985
There has been a drastic increase in life expectancy, compared with the period when the average life time was about 50 years.
As people tend to survive to the age of 80 or longer where, with whom, and how they live becomes very important.
I discuss some important points with regard to the living environment of they elderly.
By showing slides, I introduce specific methods of planning houses which will meet the elderly's needs depending on their degree of independence.
Research papers, previously published by the authors are supplied as references.



高齢化社会の住宅問題 その視点を考える



老年社会科学, 7 : 41-50, 1985
As an expert on housing policy, building technology development administration, promotion and administration of industrialization of housing, housing estate development and city planning, the author discusses a few issues which he thinks important in dealing with the residential problems in Japanese society. Our society is now aging at a great speed to reach an unprecedented peak in the 2020's.
1. An aging society
The author thinks the process of aging of a society is not so important as the conditions in the society which will be the result of such aging. He doesn't wish to see Japanese society with its unique culture disappear due to aging. He dreams of a society Japanese people enjoy their expanded life in good health and in a pleasant community and environment. He stresses the importance of planning a sophisticated soft-landing process from today's rapid aging to a stable long lived society.
2. Jutaku (House) problems and housing problems
In Japanese there are no proper words which correspond to the English words "Housing Policy". Housing is house + ing, but Jutaku is residence, dwelling or house. It means the building, not actions related to residence. The author points out the importance of recognizing the difference between these two points out the importance of recognizing the difference between these two languages, and stresses the value of seeing the issue from a wider scope than mere physical provision of dwellings for aged persons. The environmental factors and community issues, are to be considered as well as the physical problems of the dwelling for the aged.
3. Senior citizens in good health
It seems to be more fundamental to think about the housing and other problems of healthy aged persons than to think about the issues related to a weakened or handicapped aged persons. Japanese housing policy made a similar mistake in the 1960s. Healthy aged persons are also vulnerable to a variety of incidents and difficulties. The society in which such widely varied difficulties may occur must be quite flexible.
4. Co-dwelling
It is popular in Japan to think of co-dwelling of parents and children when one thinks about aging. Co-dwelling of parents and children might be a dream for some parents or children, but it is difficult to achieve a desirable situation in practice. In stead of such an unrealistic dream, Japanese had better think of living together regardless of familiarities, as Germans and Americans do. Vitalization of neighborhood communities is quite important and seems to be effective in providing good care for the aged.






老年社会科学, 7 : 51-63, 1985
A significant improvement of mortality among the aged population is a new phenomenon in the world. In particular, it is remarkable in Japan. Such an unprecedented decline in mortality among older people deserves special attention from at least two standpoints. From the demographic standpoint we study its effects on average longevity. This article takes the gerontological perspective.
First, brief statistical information about the mortality decline among elderly people was provided. In the period, 1965 to 1983, mortality decline was remarkable among the aged population 65 and over. In particular, it declined by 45.2% among male aged 60 to 64, and nearly 50% among females aged 60 to 69. Such a remarkable decline in mortality tends to bring about a direct effect on average longevity;namely, extending the average expectation of life of older people. In reality, the extent of the contribution of mortality decline among elderly people to prolongation of average longevity has been much larger than the mortality improvement among the child population (including infants) in recent years. This point must be taken into account in making future population projections.
Second, emphasis was placed on the analysis of the proportional increase of deaths of higher aged people within the elderly population. In particular, the proportion of the population aged 85 and over was considered. It increased from 6% in 1955 to 14% in 1980 for males, and from 12% to 25% in the same period for females. However, in view of the much more remarkable future increase of population aged 85 and over compared with the population aged 65 and over, the tendency of general mortality to concentrate in this very high aged group is expected. We should seriously consider this phenomenon in the context of social gerontology.






老年社会科学, 7 : 64-80, 1985
This is a suggestion and a report of research on returning to a natural life style;we becoming an amateur farmer. This lifestyle helps to solve the nationwide malaise resulting from modern industry. It utilizes natural forces for fitness. The increased leisure resulting from the third Industrial Revolution can be used effectively.






老年社会科学, 7 : 81-96, 1985
There are three principal objectives in this study. First, it is necessary to review some earlier researches on female jobs and then, in the second place, to display a framework to analyze generational changes in female working situations in historical perspective. Third, the hypothesis that (i) the occupational experience before marriage, (ii) the longest job employed after marriage and (iii) the present working situation, change from the elder generation to the younger generation are subjected to empirical test.
A. Data
The data for this study are drawn from A Three Generation Family Study in a Rural Village survey, which was conducted in Miyagi Prefecture in 1984. The author got available data by using two kinds of questionnaires;Generation T:Mothers (N=102) aged 50-79, and Generation U:Wives (N=81) who were living together with Mothers.
B. Findings
1. The same percentage of both Mothers and Wives (70%) had occupational experience when they were unmarried daughters. But their jop patterns were different;that is, Mothers worked as farmers, but Wives participated in the labor force as employees in their rural community.
2. The author found clear generational difference sin the longest job after marriage. Most of the Mothers worked as farmers with their family members;on the contrary, some Wives were farmers and some were employees. The transitional point is found in the 40-49 age cohort.
3. The present working situation is different from generation to generation, and it is also different within generation by age strata. Women over sixty have already retired from their work. On the contrary, the dominant working pattern of the 50-59 age cohort is to be engaged in agriculture. Women under forty are employed as full-time workers in small factories or offices.



都市壮年における老後の生活像と準備行動 (1);老後の生活像



老年社会科学, 7 : 97-108, 1985
The purpose of the present paper is:(1) to clarify the dimensions underlying the design of one's later life in Japanese adults, and (2) to estimate the effects of age, sex, and educational background upon the dimensions mentioned above, Subjects consisted of 540 Japanese adults aged 30 to 59 years, living in a suburb of Tokyo.
The main results as follows:
(1) Two principal dimensions were extracted, and interpreted as Family-centralism vs. Individual Independence, and withdrawal vs. Participation.
(2) Age and educational background were significantly related to the first dimension. Subjects aged in their 50s showed the strongest family-centralism, and subjects aged in their 40s most favored individual independence. Highly educated subjects favored individual independence more than less educated subjects did.
(3) Sex was significantly related to the second dimension, and women favored withdrawal more than men did.






老年社会科学, 7 : 109-121, 1985
The purpose of this study is to investigate age and sex differences of postural sway in adults. Subjects were 306 males aged 20-79 and 177 females aged 20-69 who voluntarily participated in this study. In this test each subject was required to maintain the Romberg Position while facing ahead with eyes open for 20 seconds. The amount of sway at the center of gravity of the body was measured with a Gravicorder (ANIMA), and both the fluctuation area and the fluctuation length of the center of gravity were calculated. Main findings were as follows:
1. The postural sway in males seems to increase with aging and to become great form the fifties.
2. The postural sway in females was less in the forties than in the twenties. The increasing of postural sway in females seems to appear during the fifties and to become great from the sixties.
3. The postural sway was smaller in females than in males from age 30 to 59.






老年社会科学, 7 : 122-136, 1985
This study is an analysis of the characteristics of socio-psychological background and life satisfaction of 133 people in their fifties.
The findings were as follows:
1. The average score of life satisfaction for the late fifties (from fifty-five to fifty-nine years), according to our standardized scale (1981a), was rather lower compared with of the early fifties (from fifty to fifty-four years), and was almost similar to that of the elderly in our previous article (1981a).
2. The variation of life satisfaction scores among those in their late fifties was larger than among those in their early fifties.
3. The above results suggest that the socio-psychological background related to life satisfaction of people in their late fifties has rather complex aspects, reflecting anticipatory anxiety about approaching old age.
4. The Maudsley personality Inventory scores showed high negative corrilations between neurotic tendencies and life satisfaction and high positive correlations between social extraversion and life satisfaction. The correlation between the lie-score on the Maudsley Personality Inventory and the life satisfaction score in the late fifties showed far more positive than that of the early fifties. The psychological dynamics of the late fifties were considered to be age-related and specific.
5. Life satisfaction scores were related in positive and negative directions to some of the thirteen asocial conditions as measured by Hayashi's method of quantification (T).



Semantic Differential法による老人ホームのイメージの測定 (1)



老年社会科学, 7 : 137-154, 1985
The semantic differential technique with three dimension (evaluation, potency and activity) and two adjective scales was used to explore the images of three types of residential institutions for the aged called:"Nursing Homes", "Homes for the Aged" and "Condominiums for the Aged".
The study population of 207 older subjects was divided into four groups according to residential type, namely, groups of residents of the above three types of institutions and a group of the aged living in the community.
The main results were as follows:
(1) The residents of institutions generally tended to rate their own institutions highly, especially on the dimension of evaluation. This was reflected in the sense of belonging to their own institutions and resulted from the need satisfaction which they attained through these institutions.
(2) The dimension of potency was generally rated lower the other two dimensions. This result would suggest an association of weakness with aging in institutions.
(3) On the dimension of activity, group differences of rating scores were lower than on the other two dimensions. This can be accounted for by the qualities of the scales and by the smaller influence of the psychological sets of the subjects.
(4) The rating scores of condominiums for the aged were generally higher than the other two kinds of homes, probably because residents of condominiums have better health and financial resource
(5) The aged in the community tended to rate institution lower. This was considered to be related to the mixture of concepts in the semantic differential technique.






老年社会科学, 7 : 155-167, 1985
A majority of persons over 75 years old suffer form cataracts. Of course, it is very important to provide proper nursing, but there have been few studies of the impact of stress upon the life and health of these people.
This study reports psychological predictors of stress status and stress level among 111 subjects, ranging from sixty two to ninety five years old inpatients at the opthalmology department of Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital.
Method:The STAI (Japanese version) was used for stress level measurement. A stepwise regression analysis was used to find the most vital predictors among conditioning factors, stressors and stress appraisals as perceived by the elderly patients themselves and the patients' own strategy against stress.
Main findings:
(1) All subjects' stress levels were high when they were admitted to the hospital, and they decreased after surgery.
(2) There was a significant difference between group T(with greater apprehension about both cataracts and surgery) and group V(with less apprehension about both cataracts and surgery). Post surgery lessening of stress level appeared linearly from group T to group V.
(3) The most vital predictors of stress at the time of hospitalization were:(b) a general feeling of restriction, (b) attitude toward the surgery.






老年社会科学, 7 : 168-180, 1985
Home nursing services for the mentally infirm have recently been provided in a few places in our country.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of home nursing services for these people.
The subjects were ten elderly people, suffering from dementia (four men and six women) in Koganei City, Tokyo. The effectiveness of home nursing services was evaluated by the assessment of the psychological condition of the elderly people by a nurse and by the family members' perceived benefit of the services.
Components of the home nursing services:
Home nursing services consisted of
1) provision of mental stimulus (play and talk) for the elderly.
2) nursing instructions to family members, concerning care for the elderly.
The average frequency of visits was 1.5 per month, and the average duration was 15.8 months.
1) We did not find a degree of improvement in any case, but we found the prevention of aggravation in six cases out of ten. In the latter cases we found stabilization of mental condition and promoted activity.
2) We found acquisition of knowledge and skill in the care of dementia and also reduction of psychological burdens of family members.
Home nursing services were effective in the care of dementia and in prevention of aggravation of the disease. The services helped families to gain useful knowledge and skills in taking care of the elderly and reduced the psychological burdens of the family members.






老年社会科学, 7 : 181-192, 1985






老年社会科学, 7 : 193-206, 1985
This paper is perhaps the first report on Foster Family Care for the Aged in Japan. It is composed of four sections:conception, method, investigation into actual conditions, and problems to be solved in the future. Particularly, this paper stresses the importance of Foster Family Care for the Aged and the necessity of community work.






老年社会科学, 7 : 207-215, 1985
The authors analysed 607 psychogeriatric cases who came for consultation at 56 Health care Centers form 1982 to 1984. We found the most prominent trends among these cases as follows:they had not only dementia itself but also other problems such as ADL difficulties and pathological behaviors. Therefore, the consultation for those emphasized instruction more than medical treatment.






老年社会科学, 7 : 216-222, 1985
In the fields of social gerontology and health science, we know little about how the average person perceives health in old age. The purpose of the present study is to obtain information on how Japanese adults imagine health to be in old age.
Subjects consisted of 695 Japanese adults aged 30 to 59 years, living in a suburb of Tokyo. Data suggested that the subjects viewed social functioning as the most important aspect of health in old age. In particular, subjects aged 40 years and over attached greater importance to maintaining social functioning in old age than trying to maintain physical functioning.