「老年社会科学」 Vol. 3






老年社会科学, 3 : 4-12, 1981
Dementia of the aged is usually a slow, progressive process which extends over a long period of time. Its main symptoms are amnesia and difficulty in verbal expression and aural comprehension. As often as not, however, these symptoms are accompanied by varios other mental disturbances and physical maladies, thus adding to the difficulty of their care in the home.
Cited below are a few such cases and the guidance provided to the families involved.
Case T:
The subject was a female, who had an edema on her thigh caused by knee arthritis. Since rest therapy was necessary for her cure, her family hired a practical nurse and ordered the subject to stay in bed. The subject would doze off during the day and often awaken at night, when other members of the family were about to go to bed. It was on these occasions that she started behaving abnormally. She was then hospitalized and underwent orthopedic treatment. The rest cure having been declared unnecessary, the subject was made to follow the schedule prescribed for the aged with dementia, and was thus kept awake during the day. The subject thereafer fell into the habit of sleeping soundly at night and all abnormal behaviour disappeared.
The author made the following explanations to the subjects family members.
(1) For an aged patient with dementia, some amount of light exercise or activity during the day is necessary to assure sound sleep at night.
(2) An orderly life helps stabilize the mental and physical conditions of such patients.
(3) Such patients tend to be disoriented and often fail to distinguish between day and night, when waking up at night. To prevent them from behaving abnormally under such circumstances, it is advisable for the members of the family to gently explain to the patient the situation he or she is in, and try to bring him back to reality.
Case U:
Mrs. Y. having become exhausted from caring for Mr. Y. would go out once a week for some cultural lessons to relieve her stress. During her absence, Mr. Y. went out alone, got lost and remained so until he was finally found and brought back. Recalling cases where the use of written instructions or characters had proved effecive in preventing incidents of this kind, the author recommended the use of this method to the family. Since the subject responded to the written sign, "Don't to out", Mrs. Y. hung the sign on the door of the exit when going out. This stopped the subuject from going out when left alone at home, and Mrs. Y. was able to resume taking her weekly lessons.
Case V:
The subject, though she had been in a pre-dementia condition for some time, was neverthless able to continue with household chores and the care of the grandchildren. One day, her sister became critically ill. The psychological stress from the news evidently triggered an acute dementia in the subject, for she fell into an extremely excted condition, which neither the medical team nor the family members were able to cope with.
Case resulted from the fact that the method which the family members considered appropriate for the patient proved erroneous.Case U is an example where an idea in nursing, i. e. the use of written instructions, has solved the problem. Case V was an unfortunate exemple where a sudden psychological stress spurred the patient in an unexpected direction, though until then, she had somehow managed to remain adjusted to her environment.
When providing guidance to the families burdened with such patients, it should be explained to them that the best approach is through the patient's functions or facilities which still remain receptive or responsive. We nurses tend to think up solutions which work only within the framework of a hospital. It is important, in providing counseling in such instances, to keep in mind the varied conditions existent within the patient's family and that such counseling should be continued with unremitting sympathy and understanding.






老年社会科学, 3 : 13-23, 1981
We would like to present an overview of the family care of sick aged men from the point of sociology.
In a capitalist society, the family is the basic reproductive unit for the regeneration of the labor forceapart from any consideration of the family in terms of wages or anything else. Furthermore, it is the unit which must take full responsibility for the care of its members after they are too old to work and no longer useful. It is a unit functional to the wider society in that it creates the labor force, and being isolated and supposedly selfsufficient, it handles its own problems. Therefore, if a family member becomes ill, if a child is born mentally retarded, if a member loses a job, or has an accident at work, the family is expected to cope with these problems itself. And, naturally, the woman as housewife is the one bearing the major responsibility for the chores of daily life, as well as for the more catastrophic problems.
Undoubtedly, throughout the history of Japan, the family care for sick aged men have benn expected as duty. And, now, many of aged men and young men expect family care when they fall sick also.
And, in considering the problems of he family care of sick aged men, we must give attention to the change of the Japanese family after World War U. The small nulcear family finds it increasingly difficult to assume the burdens of child care and care for bed-ridden old people and chronically ill persons. These tasks used to be done through the cooperative efforts of the extended family. The solution will be the shift in responsibility for such tasks−such as child-care, education, medical treatment, and cleaning−from the family to the wider society.
But it is also true that socialization will not solve every problem. As long as the family continues to exist, there will always be those jobs of protecting and nurturing the family which cannot be socialized. These jobs must be cooperatively shared by members of the family, and not fall on the shoulders of one member alone. And then, when we care for a sick aged man in our home, we necessitate a guidance of nursing techniques, the dispatch of a home helper and volunteer, the use of a day care center, an institution for rehabilitation, a hospital for sick aged men, and so on.






老年社会科学, 3 : 24-35, 1981
The medical care delivery system in Japan has operated for acute diseases as the major subject, thus frequently aged patients are refused hospital care because it is considered that less effect is achieved by admission.
On the other hand, referring to home care, a number of old patients are deserted by their relatives because 1) of the recent life-style of the nuclear family, 2) their pouses are usually too old to take care of them, 3) middleaged women are increasingly getting involved in various social activities, and 4) the poor housing situation.
Recently, under the good name of "three generation family" or "typical Japanese way of welfare", the public is favoring the opinion that the family members should take care of the elderly. But, I consider there to be a very dangerous contradiction in that opinion, because the public welfare is a concept originated from the family welfare at a deadlock, and has been built up through modern social changes, although the present system of public welfare has not been developed well in the financial and manpower aspects.
We must first establish an effective system of minimum public welfare to maintain human dignity with a consensus among the community by taking a cool view of the present services which must be levelled up both in institutions and at hom.






老年社会科学, 3 : 36-45, 1981
A series of our research findings on family care for the ill and/or impaired elderly persons suggest that the following are important problems which social welfare services should tackle.
(1) Family care for the elderly persons in our country is assumed by various combinations of caregivers including daughters-in-law, spouses, daughters, etc., who, in most cases, are living with these elderly persons. However, most existing home-delivery social welfare services are provided mainly for supporting family care in households composed of only old persons. Therefore, new types of home-delivery services should be deveeloped in order to help the above mentioned varied family care.
(2) It was found that relatives caring for these lederly persons had great difficulties in various respects. In many cases, family care was maintained, however, at the expense of the well-being of these relatives. Social welfare services should be improved from the standpoint of the well-being of these relatives as well as elderly persons.
(3) On the other hand, it was found that these relatives would not express too much need for social welfare services whose purpose was to remove or alleviate their difficulties. Although reasons for this were not disclosed definitely, much more effort should be exerted so that they can utilize these services without hesitation.






老年社会科学, 3 : 46-56, 1981
The purpose of this study was to define the social role for the functions of health care by the family for aged members who are suffering from some disease.
Method:A case study was made of 17 families in the Carebral Vascular Attack (12 rural families, and 5 urban families). Subjects averaged 69 years of age (rural) and 78 years for urban.
A questionnaire concerning the behavior of health care by families with aged or infirmed was given and a check list concerning 75 points of nursing by the family and 94 points of support from the community was used. By means of this check list, each subject was interviewed intensively. We reserched the activity of daily life of the aged (ADL), contents of community support, and the relation of family health care to the community.
The main of our results of case study are as follows:
1) Nursing points of health care by urban families (F.C) averaged 35.8, by rural families it averaged 30.8 (F.C). (Maximum case of F.C is 42 urban. 57 rural. Minimum case of F.C is 24 urban, 12 rural). We found many health care functions in urban families.
2) Community support point in urban families averaged 3.0 and in rural ones 16.1 There is more support point in rural than in urban families. From content analysis on rural cases, it is linear of corresponding relations between F. care and C. support.
3) ADL score averaged 12.2 in rural cases and 5.3 inurban cases. From case analyis on urban and rural cases, positive correlations between F. care the ADL score, were found.
4) In rural cases there were traditional habits and people tied up with their possessions of land. Therefore the community support should be less in rural cases.
Conclusion:I found a socio-psychological difference between the health care functions of family in rural and urban ones, although the family health care function is limited by the community. The urban family needs the community support because of the lack of the tolerance of the urban family health care. In contrast with the above mentioned, the rural families put much stress on family health care. More rehabilitation centers in rural cases and more short-stay homes for the aged in urban areas are immediately required by the community to help families with aged and the infirmed.



老人の「生きがい」意識の測定尺度としての日本版PGMの作成 (1);尺度の信頼性および因子的妥当性の検討



老年社会科学, 3 : 57-69, 1981
Testimony as to the reliability of our PGM was provided by means of the item analysis method, essentially by good-poor analysis. Our results indicated that nine items in Lawtons's original edition and two items of the additional nine we included should be excluded from the above analysis. Our revised Japanese PGM questionnaire, therefore, now consists of the residual twenty items.
Factor analysis by the varimax rotation method for the above mentioned PGM consisting of twenty items was carried our to test the construct validity of the scale. The four main factors were found to be "mental instability", "physical health", "feelings of imperfectness", and "feelings of sufficiency".
The results of these two analyses suggest that the revised Japanese PGM questionnaire consisting of twenty items has relatively high reliability and construct validity.



老人の「生きがい」意識の測定尺度としての日本版PGMの作成 (2);実際的妥当性の検討



老年社会科学, 3 : 70-82, 1981
Multivariate analyses were carried out by our laboratory to confirm the concurrent validity of the Japanese-revised edition of the PGM. The results of these analyses were as follows;
1) A significant number of partial correlation coefficients were found among the various kinds of psychosocial characteristics of the three hundred elderly persons of a small Hokkaido two who were subjects of our study. Significant differences were found in the coefficients among the different age groups into which our subjects were grouped with relation to their ages and whether they had lost their spouse or not, whether they were living with their spouse or children or not, whether they owned their home or not, whether they had been retired for a short or long period of time, whether they had a short or long educational career, whether they were healthy or not, whether they had any hobbies or not, whether they voluntarily attended social clubs or not, whether they spent a short or long period of time watching TV and/or reading newspapers, etc.
2) Calculation of the multiple correlation coefficient between all the estimated scores of our PGM, based upon the values of the partial correlation coefficients for each psychosocial characteristic, and all measured scores of our PGM was carried out. Significant correlation coefficients were observed for those items concerned with health, spouse, housing, attendance at social clubs, hobbies, and community services as contrasted with extremely small coefficients for other psychosocial items.
The above results seem to testify to the concurrent validity of our PGM for measuring the life satisfaction of the Japanese elderly.






老年社会科学, 3 : 83-95, 1981
Morale is one of the most invaluable concepts in social gerontology. Many studies of morale or subjective well-being of older people have been carried out by American social gerontologists and in a few content the cases, some Japanese social gerontologists started their works related to of the morale of Japanese older people.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factorial structure and reliability of the Revised Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale (revised by M. P. Lawton), so as to examine its utilization for Japanese older people.
Three Groups of Ss were selected. Group A was a group of noninstitutionalized older people living in the Tokyo Metropolitan area (Urban zone), Group B was a group, whose condition was the same as Group A, but who lived in Kitakoma Country (Rural zone), and Group C was a group, made up of members of the Association of the Working Retired.
One of the criteria which is most commonly used is the principal factor analysis, which was performed with normal varimax rotation. It is obvious that the best rotated solution could be acquired when we used three principal factors. These factors were interpreted as Agitation, Satisfaction with own Aging, and Sense of Usefulness. The results were very closed to Lawon's analysis, except for the Sense of Usefulness.
Among the three groups of Ss, however, it should be noticed that the highest coefficient of congruence was obtained from the relation between Tokyo Ss and Kitakoma Ss, and a low coefficient was obtained from the Working Retired Group. This seems to reflect some characteristics and trends of members of this Working Retired Group.
The morale score which is obtained by the scale was factorized into three factors as mentioned above. And then, it sohwed that 87% of variance of the morale score, this degree of variance will be determined by these factors, it means that the reliability of the morale scale is more than 0.87.
Through this analysis we found less communality of items, but we could assume that we have high reliability,so that, it is quite obvious that the Revised Philadelphia Geriatic Center Morale Scale could be used for our Japanese older people with its stable factorial structure.






老年社会科学, 3 : 96-110, 1981
One hundred and fifty older men and women were examined with respect to "meaning in life" as defined by Frankl and measured by the Purpose-In-Life Test (PIL) developed by Crumbaugh and Maholick.
The main findings are summarized as follows:
1. The mean scores of Part A were 117.7 in the men and 113.1 in the women, displaying a relatively insignificant difference between the men and the women. These results suggested that most of them had difinite purpose and meaning in life.
2. Findings from the analysis of Part B, in the form of a "sentence completion test", showed that the women were more likely to find their purpose and meaning in good health and a happy home life, while the men had variety in their purpose and meaning. Some of the men found their purpose and meaning in a happy home life, some in their social activities, and others in their internal attitudes.
3. From further findings of Part B, it was shown that some of the men and women felt hopeless and bored. It is therefore suggested that they experienced negative, as well as positive, feelings in their lives.






老年社会科学, 3 : 111-124, 1981
The main purpose of thi study is a discussion of the psychological aspects of loneliness, especially focusing on the negative emotional aspects, which stem from social isolation.
The supjects of this research are residents of "H" Home for the Aged in Gumma prefecture. The number of subjects is 181 (40 males and 141 females).
We think that the psychological aspects of loneliness consist of, 1) self cognition of isolation and, 2) a feeling of loneliness. We classify these two aspects of loneliness in the four following groups:
1) The aged group which has self cognition of isolation and feels loneliness (C+ F+)
2) The aged group which has self cognition of isolation but does not feel loneliness (C+ F−)
3) The aged group which does not have self cognition of isolation but feels loneliness (C− F+)
4) The aged group which does not have self cognition of isolation and does not feels loneliness (C− F−)
The main results and discussions suggest that the occurrence of the (C− F−) group is higher in female subjects than in male subjects.
Also, it is evident that meaningful communication among the denizens of a home for the aged can be a successful means of reducing self cognition of isolation and the feeling of loneliness.






老年社会科学, 3 : 125-138, 1981
The present research studied the current institutional adjustment and social and physical health patterns of a group of 224 elderly people (mean age 78.6 yrs.) who lived at a home for the aged.
The current institutional adjustment was measured by the Mental Health Index, which is a 56-item inventory developed especially for this resarch. Physical health patterns were measured by the Cornel Medical Index (CMI). The result was analyzed by Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis.
Five clusters in old age were identified. These were labeled A Philosophic type, B Marginal type, C Dependent type, D Mature type, E Disintegrity type.
The Dependency and Disintegrity types correlated with high levels on the current CMI total score.






老年社会科学, 3 : 139-154, 1981
1. This report is based on the Field Survey on Changes of Life Structure by Aging Process of Japanese Population conducted in 1979 by the Institute of Population Problems, Ministry of Health and Welfare. However, analysis made here is limited to survey results concerning dietary life, health conditions, morbidity, and exercise for health of older people.
2. 9,000 households were selected from 10 areas, ranging from large cities, local middle and small cities, and agricultural villages, designed roughly to represent the national picture. About 5,539 persons including males and females aged 60 years old and over were canvassed. They are living within 9,000 households.
3. A few major findings are briefly summarized as follows:
(1) Primary food paterns are extremely diverse in great cities. A rice-centered pattern for three meals is only one of the several major food patterns. However, the rice-centered pattern for three meals is the dominant one in small city and rural villages.
(2) Taking answers "normal" and "good" as health indicator, combined percentages of both answers among old male persons aged 60 and over were as high as 80%, and even 80 to 95% among persons aged 60 to 69 in large cities, They are slightly lower in case of female old people.
(3) Roughly half of subjects surveyed are taking some exercises. A relatively high proportion of people started exercises for health when they were young.
(4) Morbidity and disabled situation were also surveyed.
4. A seemingly important implication is that today's old people are substatially healthy up to the age of about 70, having strong concerns about health, and in general, old people large cities seem to be healthier than those in rural areas.






老年社会科学, 3 : 155-166, 1981
We investigated usage and location of the bedroom of 63 bedridden elderly people in Koganei City, Tokyo. The purpose of the study was to observe the usage of the bedroom in family life and to study its implication.
The findings are as follow:
1) Bedrooms of 15 cases were isolated from other family members and 7 cases were left alone only at night but not during the day. All of them were under the disadvantage either of attentive watching, or of consolation by family members. Their houses were designed either with the intention of keeping the independence of an individual's life from the aged, or with alienation of the aged.
2) Twenty-one cases had independent bedrooms within the sight of family members. We think these to be desirable, as impairede lderly people need continual observation and care from family members.
3) Bedrooms of 20 cases were used for sleep, meals and repose of family members, thus not being independent from family life. The reason for congregated use of bedrooms were:shortage of rooms in 9, and wish to involve the aged in the family life in 11.
The usage and location of bedrooms of the aged were influenced by the physical condition of the aged, the number of fooms, and the attitude of family members.






老年社会科学, 3 : 167-178, 1981
In Japan, the percentage of older people living at home with their families is higher than of Western countries. Because of this, relationships within the family are complicated and there is more chance of conflict between family members.
Several tests, such as the SAT and GAT (TAT) have been developed to measure and evaluate the interpersonal relationships of older people. However, because of cultural differences, these tests are probably not applicable to Japanese older people. Therefore, another test (GPRT) was developed in this study. The pictures used in the test show more practical and realistic situations, which occur in daily life, than those used in the previous tests.
The test has scenes for use by both men and women, one scene for men only and one for women only. (Totally eight scenes, nine sheets) Each scene is designed to elicit the subjects' feeling about peer and family relations, sexuel desire, and attitude toward aging.
The GPRT was administered to subjects between sixty-five and eighyt-six of age. (twenty-four from a retirement home and twenty who live at home) The responses of the subjects were examined according to their situations and sex.
The results are shown below;
1. Level of perception shown by the subjects:
The subjects from the retirement home did not seem to grasp the complete meaning of the pictures. They described only the picture, not the situation that the picture represented. The stories of the other subjects were more complete but in some cases, they were the same as those of the people from the retirement home.
2. Descriptions given by the subjects:
The subjects from the retirement home tended to describe the people pictured in psychological terms. On the other hand, the subjects who live at home tended to consider social and economic factors as well.
3. Evaluation of the results:
The subjects from the retirement home were mostly satisfied with their life in the home, but quite a few people became insecure because they felt of pressure and conflict in the areas of interpersonal relationships and aging. Many of the people who live at home were more secure than the retirement home subjects because they are surrounded by their families, financially secure, and they enjoy better health than the other subjects. Therefore, their attitude toward life is brighter than that of the people living in the retirement home.






老年社会科学, 3 : 179-197, 1981
The purpose of this study was to clarify the "tree" signs which might indicate statistically significant age differences according to tree images by the Koch's tree test. The subjects consisted of two groups, healthy and schizophrenic. Each group was then divided into two sub-groups depending on age.
The main results were as follows:
1. The number of, "tree" signs that indicated statistically significant age differences was 4 out of 56 signs (7%) in the schizophrenic group, whereas there were 26 out of 56 (46%) in the healthy group. This result seems to indicate that the "tree" image of schizophrenic patients undergoes less change with age than that of healthy persons.
2. The "tree" signs with statistically age differences common in both groups were "height", "area" and "inclination".






老年社会科学, 3 : 198-212, 1981
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of some factors (i. e., age, sex, educational level and sample difference) on the Benton Visual Retention Test performance and to try to offer the norm for the Benton Test performance in the aged. Subjects consisted of the following 4 groups:(1) Superior Females (N=253), (2) Aged in the Community (N=397), (3) Aged in the Home (N=737), (4) Adult Males (N=240).
Results were as follows;
1. Though cross-sectional age difference in the test performance was found to be general and a slight age decline was shown even among younger groups, it was not until after 60 years of age that the rate of decline increased, and at the same time, it was shown that the decline was not so sharp (at most 1 correct score per 10 years).
2. With regard to sex difference in the test performance, the results were conpounded, but at least in the aged groups it disappeared after the factor of educational level was statistically controlled.
3. The analysis of results suggested that the factor of educational level was most significant to estimate the norm for the Benton Test performance in the aged. According to this finding, an estimation of the norm was attempted.